Why might you need us?
Do you have banking that is:
Inefficient with too many relationships or accounts;
Provides insufficient cash access and visibility at head office; and
Not supporting global cash management activity?
How can we help
We assist our clients to identify opportunities for improvement and implement change. Following a three-phase approach, we will:
Review and analyse their existing banking framework (relationships, accounts, structures and services) and make recommendations for change;
Use an RfP process to evaluate and select alternative banking offers; and
Implement the revised structure.
Case study
A UK-based corporate had a simple ‘single bank’ solution that did not meet the challenge of its expanding global retail-level presence.
The client required increased balance visibility, local cash handling and cost-effective pan-European banking while optimising the number of banking partners across UK, Germany, France and the Nordic region.
Over three months, our project involved:
A review of the existing banking arrangements and medium-term requirements;
Advice and guidance on potential banking structures;
Generation of bank long-list;
Meetings with prospective banks, before issuing an RfP to short-listed banks;
Analysis of RfP responses; and
Final report with recommended solution and implementation timeline.